Book Review: Cycling Science
 – How Rider and Machine Work Together

Book Review: Cycling Science
 – How Rider and Machine Work Together

  Cycling Science Cycling Science
 - How Rider and Machine Work Together by Max Glaskin Reviewed by Nick Dey (Neunkirchen-Seelscheid, Deutschland (and Wigan, Lancashire) Investigate the scientific wonders that keep cyclists in their saddles! An ageing...

Review: K-Edge Garmin Mount

Review: K-Edge Garmin Mount

Robust construction and a smart design combine to allow for a more comfortable and ergonomic viewing line when riding your racing bike. Two bolts secure the unit to the bars, adjacent to the stem. A single bolt clamps the adjustable head mount to the unit. All leading...

Review – Cycling Turbo Training for Beginners by Rebecca Ramsay

Review – Cycling Turbo Training for Beginners by Rebecca Ramsay

  Cycling Turbo Training for Beginners a quick start guide to cycling indoors to explode your fitness fast. (20 interval workouts included). by Rebecca Ramsay Reviewed by Nick Dey  Cycling Turbo Training for Beginners is written in no-nonsense, ‘does what it...

Revolution Series from a first-timer’s viewpoint

Revolution Series from a first-timer’s viewpoint

  Revolution from a first-timer’s viewpoint   Revolution 39 There’s a cliché about velodromes that, if you’re like me and have never been to one before, you’ll have heard a time or two on telly – it’s that the camera cannot show just how steep those banks...

The London Bike Show 2013 (Review 2)

The London Bike Show 2013 (Review 2)

Hopefully this will add something to the great article written by Tony here. Last week was tough for cycling, hitting the national headlines for all the wrong reasons. Yet help was at hand with the start of the pro tour season in Australia and Argentina and...

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